Note from our Executive
Welcome to our website!!!
Since inception of the organization in 2005, Baylor Foundation Eswatini staff and management have dedicate themselves to serve pediatric, adolescents and families in the entire Kingdom. The team worked hard over the years to ensure that no child dies due to AIDS and TB. Baylor Foundation Eswatini works hand in glove with the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini to provide high-quality health care services, education and research aimed at improving lives of peadiatrics, adolescents and their families.
To-date, Baylor Foundation Eswatini has over 5,000 clients on HIV and TB treatment monitored by specialized health care professionals. We pride ourselves with a low lost-to-follow up rate and high rates of viral suppression amongst our clients.
Baylor Foundation Eswatini would not be successful if it was not for the generosity of donors and sponsors locally, regionally and globally. Strong partnerships are also created to improve health care services in country. Our appreciation goes to Ministry of Health for their strong leadership and comprehensive strategies to assist peadiatrics, adolescents and their families to live healthy and fulfilled lives.
We shall continue to advocate for innovation and equity in the fight against HIV and TB. We shall also address other public health threats to improve lives of Emaswati.
Thank you for showing interest in our website. We hope you get enough information about the organization and its work. We also look forward to partnering with you.
Khosi Dlamini, Executive Director
Our History

Our Vision
A nation with healthy and fulfilled children, adolescents and their families.

Our Mission
To provide high quality family-centered pediatric and adolescent health care, education and clinical research in Eswatini.

Board of
Mr. Michael B. Mizwa, Chairman
Dr. Bongiwe Malinga, Ministry of Health Member
Dr. Irma Allen, Community Board Member
Ms. Busangani Mkhaliphi, Ministry of Finance Member
Ms. Hlanganisa Nhlabatsi, Youth Representative
Ms. Makhosazana Dlamini, Executive Director – Ex Officio Member
Dr. Nomathemba Nxumalo, Member
Dr. Charity Newton, Member
Key Departmental Staff
Ms. Makhosazana Dlamini, Executive Director
Dr. Florence Anabwani-Richter, Associate Director, Clinical
Mr. Ayanda Sikhondze, Global TB Business Manager
Ms. Thembela Mavuso, Nurse Manager
Ms. Cebile Masinga, Finance and Administration Manager
Ms. Phindile Malaza, Programs Manager
Mr. Sandile Dlamini, M&E Manager
Ms. Winile Hlongwane, HR Manager